Category Archives: Art

Pancake Arts

These are amazing and definitely works of art. I’m not sure if I’ll have the guts to cut & eat them. 😀 How did they make it? It would be interesting & challenging for me to recreate it. 🙂 Any one up for a challenge?

(via: Pinterest)

Pretty Cool! The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Animation :)

I think this is neat. It’s not just a regular stop motion. They used a microscope attached to a smart phone.
The girl is only 9 mm tall, and naturally her name is Dot.

I like how the whole environment was built from regular items, and we’re seeing them from a super zoomed view. We don’t usually see all those details, even though we might see them everyday.

Love Takes Sacrifice

I didn’t say it had to be your sacrifice. Sometime love requires a bit of sacrifice on the part of loved ones outside the relationship. Parents, friends, mach makers, all have an affect on your relationship weather they realize it or not. I hope that when this happens for you, you take a moment to show your appreciation.

Origami Challenge

This looks crazy. It must take a lot of time and patience. So I thought I’d challenge you. Let’s see who can make one of these. Tell me how long it took / how many tries to get it right.

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Knitting Is Cool

Knitted Knitting Octopus

Knitted Knitting Octopus

Knitting is becoming more and more awesome in recent years. It used to be that you knitted to make sweaters, blankets and baby booties. But now there’s this whole genre of knitting for art as in Kitted sculptures, Jewelry, and even graffiti (called gorilla knitting).

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